Frequently Asked Questions

What does a private foundation do?

Private foundations are charitable organizations that provide grants to other charitable organizations which help those in need or work to solve social, economic or environmental problems. Private foundations can operate locally or nationally and enjoy considerable flexibility in choosing where to work and what to support. Private foundations act independently of any private business and of the government; and they receive no government support. Many private foundations, like the Bridget Rose Foundation, have endowments that are the sole source of funds for the grants they make.

What is a grant?

A grant is an award of financial support. It can be provided for a specific project or general operations.  Grants must serve charitable purposes.

How does the Bridget Rose foundation decide which grants to award?

Bridget Roses' grantmaking aims to address social, economic or environmental challenges in a strategic way. Drawing on the expertise of our staff and experts in the field, our foundation formulates specific strategies that guide decisions about how and where our funding can have significant impact. Accordingly, we award practically all of our grants to organizations that we approach directly and do not fund unsolicited proposals.

What does the Bridget Rose Foundation support?

The Bridget Rose Foundation supports organizations which work to address a variety of complex social, economic and environmental challenges. Our grants are generally long-term, strategic investments, focused on building relationships that work and finding solutions to often intractable problems.  To the fullest extent possible, the Bridget Rose Foundation is a multi-purpose foundation with grantmaking in fields that are often not inter-related.

What does the Bridget Rose Foundation not fund?

Our foundation does not support political activities or attempt to influence action on specific legislation. We do not provide scholarships or tuition assistance for undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate studies; nor do we support annual fundraising drives, institutional benefits, honorary functions, or similar projects.

How does the Bridget Rose Foundation raise the funds it needs to make grants?

Our foundation draws on the endowment left by Edward John and Dorothy Rose to support its charitable work. We invest the endowment and give away a portion of it each year.

Does the Bridget Rose Foundation accept donations?

Our foundation does not solicit contributions. In some circumstances, however, we will accept donations. This could include, for example, a case where a donor wishes to make a substantial donation because the programs of our foundation meet directly the interests of the donor. Acceptance of proposed donations and the terms will be determined based on the circumstances of each case.

Does the Bridget Rose Foundation receive government funding?

No. Private foundations like Bridget Rose act independently of any private business and of the government; they receive no government support. Many private foundations, including Bridget Rose, have endowments that are the sole source of funds for the grants they make.